Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 3 Reading The Way Things Are

I often like to think that I am a person who is always looking to make things better and to find better solutions, however, lately I find myself just settling for what I have. I don't see how desiring more can make me happy but being thankful for and using what I have helps me not to complain. However there is a difference between not complaining and reaching for the stars. I wonder if my attitude is simply just being busy and overwhelmed with life. I feel that it is challenging to look toward better things when you are simply trying to make it through the day with a smile on your face. This is going to be a goal of mine to always look for better things in life and go after them when ever the opportunity arises.

1 comment:

  1. Settling, challenging oneself to do ones best, and pushing because one thinks achievement will bring happiness: great questions and observations. There's a difference from settling and being at peace, I think. And there's a difference in pushing oneself to expect more versus pushing oneself because one hopes to be happy after achievement X. Wow, there's a lot here.
